My Go-To Packaged Snacks for the Whole Family

In an ideal world, we would only eat foods found in nature, in their whole, unprocessed form. But let’s be honest, I don’t live in my ideal world 😝! So while I do what I can to prepare snacks and foods that provide the most bang for their buck nutritionally, I also have a pretty robust list of packaged foods I fall back on from time to time. Whether it’s snacks for on-the-go or meal components for those nights when I just don’t want to cook, I know I’m still providing wholesome ingredients that are good for my entire family.

A couple of things I keep in mind when choosing packaged items:

  • No, or at least low, added sugars (this one is so tricky because sugar is often hidden, especially in foods marketed towards kids. I do my best, and just try to limit the items that have sugar in them 🤷🏻‍♀️)

  • No inflammatory oils, like sunflower, safflower, or canola oil

  • Minimal, whole ingredients

  • Some amount of protein and/or fat

  • Bonus points if they have a vegetable in them

It’s also rare for me to give a packaged snack as the sole snack item, I’m almost always pairing it with something, i.e., a cheese stick with veggie straws and apple slices. I try to stick to my Full in Four, by including produce, protein, fat, and carb to ensure my kids avoid the hangry crash later on.

Where to Shop

I do my grocery shopping at various stores. Some are local natural food stores and some are chains like Hannaford and Whole Foods. For snacks, I rely pretty heavily on Thrive Market. I find they have a really great selection at really good prices, shipped directly to my doorstep. If you’re not a member there, click here to get 40% off your first order!

My Go-To Items

  • Natierra Organic Freeze-Dried Fruits

  • Raisins (the only ingredient should be raisins)

  • Applesauce pouches (unsweetened; my preference are these or these)

  • Woven wheat crackers

  • Hu crackers

  • Thin Stackers rice cakes

  • Veggie straws/sticks (these are tricky, and so far Thrive’s brand is the only one I’ve found that doesn’t use seed oil)

  • Cascadian Farms Purely Os (Purely Os don’t have any nasty oils, however, they do have a little sugar in the form of malted barley)

  • Rhythm kale chips (some of their other products use seed oil)

  • Lesser Evil puffs

  • SeaSnax roasted seaweed

  • Snack Factory Organic Pretzels (the non-organic uses seed oil)

  • Cheese sticks

  • Cerebelly bars

  • Skout bars

  • Sprouted pumpkin seeds

These items are better than most conventional packaged products, but because of either higher amounts of sugar and/or the use of inflammatory oils, I try to only use these if I’m in a pinch:

  • Simple Mills crackers

  • Mini cheese crackers

  • Made Good bars (allergen-friendly, but high in sugar)

  • Annie’s Bunnies or cheese squares

I hope these ideas offer some easy go-to’s for your family, whether you’re on-the-go, or just need something quick & easy to grab for you or your kiddos!


Healing My Psoriasis Holistically - Part 1


Healthy Snack Ideas (for kids!)